Making Lists.


Everyone should make lists

People have been making lists for hundreds of years for example:

  • On a rock dated at 3200 B.C  the oldest set of sequential signs was found by archeologists.
  • Singers have made songs out of lists, remember ,“50 ways to leave your lover”  by Paul Simon – although he cheated and only told us 5!
  • Then there is the list of “my favourite things” from sound of Music. Anyone think of anymore?
  • It’s a popular management tool as advocated by Richard Branson.
  • The Ten Commandments.

Making lists satisfies us, I cannot imagine a world without lists, it would be chaos, even in the apocalypse I would need lists, where to get food, how to shoot a zombie etc.

Lists are an easy way to educate ourselves or get a point over. Emphasised and sometimes immortalised. I have also found information that suggests lists help calm and center us, encouraging creativity. You will find lists everywhere in your life:

  • Menus, not just food but on phones and laptops.
  • Library’s.
  • Information leaflets.
  • Instructions like for Fire escape, First Aid etc.
  • Stock Exchanges.
  • Accounts.
  • Google or any of the other search engines,
  • Forbes 400 list,
  • Best dressed/worst dressed/Red carpet lists and so on…

It goes on and on; I a sure you can add a few to this one. The internet has open the world to more and lists, from favourite things to the most hated. I fully intend to explore some of these seriously funny lists  and list making tendencies in future posts.

Next post we can explore how we make our lists and yes there is more than one way!

Making Lists.

Why List Making.


The 'making lists' list

So why do we make lists? Well I have a list of reasons telling me why I do; they include:

  • Helps me feel in control.
  • Reassures me.
  • Helps ‘uncrowd’ my brain.
  • Its enjoyable!
  • Progression of my thoughts and plans.
  • Satisfaction.
  • They are how I manage a busy life.
  • Plus all of the above on the picture.

I am sure there are more but those are the ones that stand out at this moment. List making is advocated by Richard Branson – now if I could achieve what he has no one would moan at my list making ever again!

So how do I do my lists? It is not like I allocate special time for them, they just happen. what I do have is certain things handy like:

  •  a reminder pad in list form on my fridge.
  • my smart phone with a list app that  can transfer to my tablet.
  • Always I have a small notebook.
  • A whiteboard behind the children’s doors and bathroom – so they can write down if something is needed. To be honest these where a good idea but they are normally covered in little poems and funny faces and I end up still having to call to all concerned when doing my shopping list.
  • I use excel for holiday lists, budgeting and any big outlay or project
  • If nothing are available I will tick points off on my fingers.

Believe it or not I am not OCD, my house can be in a right mess sometimes but lists and making them, helps keep me sane and healthy – even though I can get to a shop and find my list is still on the fridge and I know I am not alone in that…am I ladies?

It was my birthday the other month and the girls bought me Lists of Note by Shaun Usher – recommend it to anyone who is into lists.

Why List Making.